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AlertBits content and editorial team.
How to monitor an entire website for changes automatically and track all pages & URLs with crawlers
Do you want to monitor all the pages of a website? You could manually find and add individual URLs
AlertBits Team • 15 May 2023
How to monitor a website for design & code changes and catch security/defacement issues
In the current age, websites are being updated constantly... High-frequency updates and deployment
How to start tracking your competitors, SEO, rankings, and reviews
Competitive intelligence has always been valuable. But considering today's rapidly changing busine
How to supercharge your business growth with website tracking
Are you tracking websites for changes right now? It may seem simple, but think about it... There'
How do image and text difference scores work?
AlertBits can calculate an image and text difference score for your captures to help you identify c
How do I edit multiple pages at once?
When it comes to editing a page, you can either edit each one individually or update multiple of th
How do I modify the cookies of pages?
Many sites often use cookies to store various bits of information. If the site you're capturing ne
How do I modify the location of pages?
By default, your captures will be taken from an IP address in the United States. But you can choos
How do I modify the actions of pages?
AlertBits allows you to specify certain actions that'll be performed in the browser right before a